She Put Exactly 14 Eggs In Ice Cube Tray And Left It In The Freezer For 2 Hours. When She Saw What Happened Next She Decided to Do The Same Thing Every Day! Amazing!

The taste of frozen eggs is similar to the taste when they are thawed. So, grab more eggs when they are on sale or use them up when you have a lot about to expire too.

All you have to do is take an ice cube tray, crack the eggs and add them in it without using any kind of spray or oils. Next, you should place the tray into the freezer and freeze until the eggs are frozen solid (approximately 2 hours). Once they are frozen you can remove the eggs from the container. In case they are stuck, let them sit in warm water for 1 minute and they will pop right out. Then, you can store them to a gallon sized freezer safe bag and keep them up to a year.

When you need them, simply let them stay at room temperature and you can use them in any recipe. For instance, you can use them for baking, breading chicken, scrambled eggs, and french toast.

If you prepare recipes which require only egg whites or egg yolks, then consider freezing them already separated.

So, besides freezing ice and eggs, there are several other ingredients you should freeze. These are some of the perfectly suited foods for freezing in an ice cube tray.

-Homemade Stock

You can store about 2 tablespoons of stock and use it afterwards read more

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The 6 World’s Easiest Exercises For Back Fat And Underarm Flab

Back fat and underarm flab are one of the most annoying and troublesome appearance problems many women face, especially when the time for sleeveless dresses and tops sets in. Seeing that fat bulging from the sides is definitely not attractive so many women go to extreme lengths to try to cover it up. Instead of covering it up you should put in some effort and eliminate it once and for all. It’s easier than you think.

In the following article we’ve got 4 amazing exercises which target the shoulders, back and underarms. These exercises will help you get rid of the flab and bulge and make you feel sexy and attractive again. Try them out and see the amazing results for yourself.

The Push and touch

Stand with your feet shoulder apart, extend your arms beside your body and lift them over your head. In this exercise it’s best to use hand weights or a band. With your extended arms on the sides, palms facing forward lift them at shoulder level and then over your head. Return to shoulder level position and repeat 3 series of about 6 repetitions each.

The Bent-over circular row

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend forward at ninety degrees, using both hands at once moving them read more

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Rub This On Any Scar, Wrinkle Or Spot On Your Skin and Look As They Disappear Within Minutes! Even The Doctors Are Surprised!

A clean skin is something everyone wants to achieve and that’s why people spend a lot of money on expensive treatments and products that generally don’t work. Luckily for you, in this article, we’re going to present you a magical mixture! Just rub this on any scar, wrinkle or spot on your skin and you’ll see how they disappear very fast!

This is an easy natural remedy that will make your skin smooth and shiny! The principal ingredient of this incredible remedy is honey, nectar produced by the bees that has the ability to improve the blood flow in your skin.

This mask will eliminate spots, acne and wrinkles on your face and you won’t need much time to prepare it. After that, just rub this on any scar or spot and that’s it! Here is what you need to do:


  • 1 tablespoon of powdered cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of ground nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon of organic honey


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you obtain a thick pasta. If you have sensitive skin, add more honey. Honey can relieve the inflammation on your skin, although it is not recommended for people who suffer from rosacea, because it can widen the blood vessels. Some people like to add white or green clay in the mask. If it becomes too thick, add a little water.

Before applying the mask, wash your face well using water and read more

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Empty Your Bowels Quickly With This 2-Ingredient Mixture

People say that you are what you eat, and we must agree with the view. Our digestive system is a very delicate mechanism, and the process of digestion is very complicated. If impaired, our body can’t get essential nutrients and our health may deteriorate as a result. When our digestion is negatively affected, toxic substances may accumulate in the body and cause numerous serious health problems. This is why it’s very important to eat a healthy diet and do a complete body cleaning at least twice a year. In this way, we can prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body and prevent unwanted problems.

Here’s a great body detox mixture that will empty your bowels in only 2 minutes:


  • 150 gr. of plums
  • 150 gr. of dates
  • 5 cups of boiling water


The preparation of the remedy is pretty simple – just boil the water in a pot, then add the plums and dates once it reaches the boiling point. Simmer the mixture for an additional 15 minutes, then remove it from the heat and leave it to cool down.

Take a tablespoon of this powerful mixture every morning on an empty stomach and you will feel much better soon. The mixture will help you get rid of numerous digestive problems such as constipation and will improve your digestion read more

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7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying to Contact You

Angels are spiritual beings, which guide us. Although they have a much different frequency compared to humans, their guidance comes in the form of channeled messages, dreams, and directly receiving insight. Therefore, there are many signs which show us that the angels are around us and they are trying to contact us. These signs may seem small and meaningless at the beginning, but over time they may increase in frequency and size.

These spiritual beings send us signs, which are a symbolic reminder of their love and support. Therefore, we present you some of the most common signs from the angels. You may start noticing these signs because you need some validation or answer to a question you may have asked, or they may serve to simply remind you your angels are with you.

7 Common Angel Signs


If you find feathers on your path, it is one of the signs of the angels. This is an amazing reminder that angels are near, loving and supporting you. If you experience this situation, then enjoy in this powerful angelic sign.


If you notice a cloud which looks like an angel, it means that your angel is near to you and in this way it is showing its presence.


If you feel a lovely sweet scent and you are unable to identify read more

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If You Have This Plant In Your Home, You Will Never See Spiders, Mice, or Insects Again

Does it happen when you try to clean each spot from the insects such as spiders, but they return anyway?

A lot of people have the same problem. However, you probably didn’t know that spiders can not stand the smell of peppermint.

Therefore we recommend you to mix peppermint oil with water and put the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray all your windows and doors, and every corner of the house and in this way you will make your home an impossible place for spiders and other insects to live in.

This plant will also help you get rid of mice and what’s more it is a really cheap recipe.

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Never Throw These Out again! They Can Save You Hundreds of Dollars

All of us are familiar with those silica gel packets that are labeled “DO NOT EAT”. We can find them in the box of our new shoes, handbags or dried seaweed. Most often we throw them away because we don’t know how to use them. Continue reading and you’ll find out some interesting ideas about how useful these silica gel packets can be.

Maybe it’s not obvious but the kitchen is the most humid place of our home. Whenever we cook or boil something in the kitchen all the moist goes into the air. Whereas the moisture can be ideal for the plants that we keep in the kitchen, it’s not so ideal for the dried spices, sugar or other powder ingredients. You may be nervous when you’ll find those ingredients have clumped up but you know the moist is guilty for that.

Luckily, you don’t have to move your spice cabinet away from the kitchen because that’s the place where you most need it. You can use silica gel packets to keep the spices from clumping up. They are even great if you throw them into bags of potatoes and other sprouting vegetables.

Don’t let the label discourage you because silica gel or silicon dioxide is the same thing as what sand is made of. Just think about what read more

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Girls Do You Know What Is The Purpose Of The Pocket In Your Underwear, Bobble On The Hat..??

Girls Do You Know What Is The Purpose Of The Pocket In Your Underwear, Bobble On The Hat..??

Certain items have or had in the past reason or significance, regularly not by any means known to us, yet worth knowing.

On the YouTube channel #Mind Stockroom you can fascinating and uncommon things surely you thought around 6 items of daily use.

What is the purpose of a wicker ball cap, small “pockets” of underwear for ladies…

  1. The bobble on the hats

The first ball appeared in the 19th century among French sailors. Then the cabins in the ships had a low roof, so the ball served to prevent sailors to hurt their heads.

Then, other countries began to put the hats knitted these balls. Today, they do not have such an important purpose, but rather there for aesthetic appearance of hats.

  1. The hole on lollipop stick

Many people believe that the hole on the stick is there to prevent the choke, but it is not true.

The reality is that the hole is there just candy to be fixed to the stick. During preparation, the hole is the first space is filled, and then makes itself lollipop.

  1. Why the trousers have lines

An important part of good business appearance lines pants. But why is that? Almost no one knows. The lines first appear in the late 19th century when Europe started massive production read more

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VIDEO: She Cut Her Old Bra and Did Something Amazing – Every Woman Would Surely Want to Do the Same!

The popular YouTuber, Ray Lee makes videos in which she shares her advices with women about friendship, emotions, clothes and she also has some great tricks. The video below was viewed by more than 4 million women.

Before you throw away your old bras, you could try this excellent trick. The best part about it is that you need not more than 10 minutes and it is a very simple trick.

After these several simple instructions, you will have a “backless” bra and save money.

Try the bra on and if you like where the straps are, then go ahead and take them off. Now it is left to sew the strap on.

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This Vaseline Trick Can Help You Remove Unwanted Hair

Vaseline is a triple-filtered substance, which ensures it is free from impurities and safe to use. While Vaseline is the name, the product is actually petroleum-jelly based product. In the past several years, we’ve seen Vaseline, or petroleum-jelly, make its way to skin creams, soaps, cleansers, deodorants, lotions, and many more skin and hair products.

There are so many ways you can use Vaseline. For example, mothers use it to prevent diaper rash. You can also use it to protect yourself from minor cuts and burns and to soften your skin.

The main benefit of Vaseline is that it helps lock in moisture, which is why many people use it for dry and cracked skin.

Today, however, we will talk about a simple trick for removing unwanted hair on your body. And yes, you can use this trick for hair anywhere on your body.

How to use Vaseline to remove unwanted hair?


In most cases, people use this trick to remove hair on their armpits. Other problematic areas include hair on the upper part of the lips, pubic area, and the legs.

You will need only four simple ingredients for this trick. And we can surely bet you have all of them in your kitchen cabinet.

Here are the ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of gram flour
  • ½ tablespoon of turmeric powder
  • 3 tablespoons of milk powder
  • ½ teaspoon of Vaseline

How to do it?

  1. Start by mixing all the ingredients except for Vaseline in a mixing bowl. Make sure you have a smooth and thick paste
  2. Add half a teaspoon of Vaseline, and continue mixing
  3. Apply the paste on your skin in direction of hair growth in problem areas
  4. Leave the paste to dry completely, it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes
  5. Once the paste is dry, remove in the opposite direction of hair growth. Wash your skin with warm water afterward, and that is it
  6. You can repeat the process on a daily basis, which will save you a trip to the beauty salon. The trick is especially handy for women who hate hair on their upper lips, but they do not want to go to the salon for few hairs

Benefits of Vaseline

As mentioned previously, read more

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